MG TC Register of Victoria and Australia, Home Page

MG TC Register of Victoria, Australia

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What TC's are all about!

A Bit of a Worry?

Today the 13th April 2024, ads for TC's continue to flood the market and the trend continues.
Many TC enthusiasts are baby boomers who grew up with TC's and have been passionate about them ever since.
But these same people are now in their 70's or more and their enthusiasm is becoming restricted by their ageing bodies..
What will become of TC's in next 20 or 30 years?

For newcomers to this site, the TC Register of Victoria started in the late '60's, compiled in long hand by Ian Tracey, to keep tabs on the TC's that were owned by MGCCV members at the time.

This present Register was inaugurated by Bill Bugg and the Victorian T Reg Committee at the TC 50th Birthday Party held at Yering Station in the Yarra Valley in 1995 with 99 TC's attending on that day. This website was subsequently established in 1997 in the early days of dial-up internet. Early days indeed! 27 years ago!

This latest revision of the register brings together TC's from round Australia and adds them to cars from Victoria. So the listings show all the Australian cars that we currently know of. The total is about 650 but I confess that those listed on page 10 - 46 in all - are very doubtful. But that means that we have about 600 identifiable cars listed. This represents over a third of the alleged 1700 TC's that were imported into Oz in the late 1940's. Not a bad survival rate for any car over 70 years old! I suspect that survival rates of this order are confined to the real exotics such as Bentley's, Delage's and the like.

Despite best efforts, there are many cars that we used to know well but which have been sold and we don't know their present owners. Any info on these cars will be welcome.

And of course, in this strange world of internet security and privacy concerns, we don't mention owner's surnames, unless their names are a matter of public knowledge

And please, if you know of a car that is not on the Register, or know that the info on a car is wrong, please get in touch with me. A register is only as good as it's accuracy! And if you have a TC, wherever you are in the world, please send me, Richard Millington, an e-mail, at the address at the bottom of the page and tell me about your car

Navigation round the site is simply a matter of browsing the lists which are in chassis number order, and clicking on a thumbnail which will bring up a much bigger picture. And there a number of other pages that you might like to browse through via the navigation bar.


Recent Additions

I have incorporated a page "Recent Additions & New Photos" which lists entries that have significantly changed since the last revision. eg completely new entries, change of ownership, cars for sale, new photos etc etc. Hopefully this will enable followers to follow changes and give me information to keep the register up to date. All entries in "Recent Additions" are also included in the main body of the Register. Please tell me what you think of it.
And by the way, in this latest update, I have excluded page 10, which used to have a one line entry on an unidentified car that I or someone else had seen or heard of, sometime, somewhere. Quite useless.

What Car is That?

As an additional feature, I have also added an Excel spreadsheet which lists current Australian cars, whose chassis numbers are known, by their rego numbers. Using Excel's find function, you can then find the ID of a TC that you see on the road from its rego no. Use the link:-
List of TC's by Rego No

Navigation - double click on a page to go to it!

The TC 60th Anniversary Bash - Photos!

For those still interested in an event that took place almost 20 years ago (18th September 2005), the following are pdf's of photos of all the 109 odd cars that were present at the Bash for your interest and entertainment. To keep the file size down (to about 400kb) I have split them into pages. Click on the links to download. The pages are in Registration number order with numberless cars on page 1. You'll need Acrobat Reader installed of course. You might find that your firewalls put up an objection to active content but I can assure you the pdf's are bug free, so enjoy!

Visit the other Victorian T-Type Registers

The Victorian TD Register - hosted by Doug Hastie
The Victorian TF Register - hosted by Ralph Stewart

Some of the many other MG Sites round the World

Totally T-Types 2 - Top Rate site dealing with all matters T-Type including excellent magazine - all online
MG TABCs Online, formerly the TABC's Forever - even more pictures of TC's and current info on them plus technical info etc - a must!
New England MG T Register
The Victorian MG Car Club's main site - not a TC site, but arguably the best car club site in the world, with lots of lots of news on what the MGCC of Vic are doing with their weekends.
Your starting point for exploring MG Car Club sites round Australia
The NZ MG Car Club's Page
The UK Octagon Car Club site. Again lots of MG goodies and items of interest
MGCarsUK - a major site with all sorts of goodies for MG owners of all persuasions
Scions of Lucas - the big American site with all sorts of info on British Classisc Cars

TC Register of Victoria Australia - email me Richard Millington at email address rjmillington at bigpond dot com - you work it out - hopefully it will protect me from the dreaded spammers! - revized 5 June 2024